
Shadow Warriors (1995)

It began as an experiment. The ultimate bodyguard - half man, half machine - programmed to do anything. Anything! Global Cybernetics, Inc. is making technological history. They can create a bio-mechanical, plasma-driven, Techno-Sapien - the best security system money can buy. But building one requires a human corpse. And when GCI's bodyguard, Taylor is mysteriously gunned down, he becomes the company's 7.4 million dollar prototype, the "TS-4." At the "TS-4's" unveiling, worldwide demand is immediate. Driven by greed, company chairman, Dr. Connors secretly programs a new model to hunt down other superior humans for Techno-Sapien mass production. His sinister plan is revealed when Security Council head, Barkeley, discovers a missing and dead, well-known athlete in an activation unit. Chairman Connors frantically sends his Techno-Sapien on a killing spree to destroy the entire company. Barkeley and top programmer, Natalie, team up with the "TS-4" to find and terminate the doctor's ... Written by Lamar Card, Director

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